Thank you to our supporters
You make it possible for us to get Free Topographic Maps out to everyone who wants them.
Super Supporters ($50+ or in-kind support)
- Daryl Hooke
- Colin Corbett
- Donald Dent
- Bruce Donnelly
- Paul Wenger
- Lee Harrison
- Rod Durston
- Ian McGuffie
- Control-J
- Scott Wilson
- Andrew Piddington
- Stephen Bloomer
- Allan Ward
- Richard Keller
- Justin Marriner
- Mark Jessop
- Tom Rollings
- Andrew Sutherland
- Vlad Tudor
- Alexander Stollznow
- Gregor Pacnik
- Vincent Cox-Lehmann
- Ian Lunt
- Phil & Jean Dark
- Andrew Cox
- Bruce Donnelly
- Ben Guidera
- Tesselaar Direct
- Robert Mair
- Richard Hunter
- Greg Lauer
- Des Newman, OziExplorer
- Robert Kenrick
- Andrew Tims
- Ken Wilson
- Ben Wallis
- Andrew Mills
- Robert McIntyre
- Shane Booth
- David Bowtell
- Elizabeth Billiau
- Jake Green
- Michael Johnston
- Peter Wright
- Daniel Hansen
- Luke Enriquez
- Larry Benton
- Nicholas Lok
- John Harper
- Darren Asquith
- Chris Jackson
- Ian Hughes
- Rowan Harman
- David Baxter
- FindMap Pty Ltd
- David Allenberg
- Russ Day
- Harrison Surgical Technology
- Jorgen Skogstad
- Jason McIntosh
- Kevin Cox
- Kris Harrison
- David Gibson
- Rebecca Cohen
- Scott O’Donnell
- Paul Cochrane
- Stephen Kerr
- Scott Furman
- Matthias Brunner
- James Woulfe
- Jason Townsend
- Ian Davidson
- Frank Van Den Boom
- Stuart Walker
- Colin Moll
- Peter Dybing
- Armen Arakelian
- Michael Randall
- Chris Heywood
- Matthew Furniss
- William Leask
- James Searle
- Mauro Marcatili
- V2R Pty Ltd
- Matthijs Bekkers
- Edward Florence
- Ozbatteries Australia
- Where The Trade Buys
- Shane Edwards
- John Noonan
- Chris Clarke
- Adriaan Dubbeld
- Chris Jackson
- Marcus Hiam
- Trevor Tippet
- Ann Cornish
- Sally Clements
- Shane Booth
- Jeffrey Carey
- Colin Benning
- Hans-Ulrich Till
- Mathew Felsbourg
- Maurice Baldi
- Adrian Paterson
- Stephen Smith
- Asher Middleton
- Edward J Banks
- Wayne Knight
- Jillieanne Roberts
- John Terrell
- David Allenberg
- Greg Palmer
- David Glover
- Stuart Walker
- Stephen Holbery
- Simon Haylock
- Thomas Lovass
- Mervyne Renton
- Frank Van Den Boom
- Warrick Forbes
- Paul Weston
- Andrew Rawlins
- Norman Schroeder
- Peter Schultz
- Dennis Goddard
- Richard Hunter
- Wayne Dyer
- Greg Kent
- Jeremy Davis
- Steve Heaton
Also a big thankyou to all those who’ve purchased map packs on Avenza – which you don’t need to do to access the maps – but is another way of making a donation if that’s easier for you. We only get about 1/3 of what you spend on Avenza but it’s still very much appreciated. Thank you!
Excellent site and top marks, those maps look great. I’m an Ozi user and will update what I have here with your maps. Thanks heaps.
Great website and excellent maps, well done keep up the good work, best regards.