Getlost Maps Email Weather Bot

Getlost Maps Email Weather Bot


In testing, the bot accepts email and replies with tomorrow’s weather forecast for a given location. Good for winlink over PAT or similar where you have an email connection but not broader internet access.

It doesn’t do anything else … but one … day it will do satellite images and weather maps and that rain radar thing and long range forecasts and even send you a map of where you are and what’s around you. Right now it just does tomorrow’s weather.


Send a plain text email to [email protected] using the following format. Any other format won’t work, because it’s a very simple bot and it’s not very clever at the moment.

[Subject] Weather [or weather]

[Body line 1] Latitude (eg 35.2 or -35.1 for southern hemisphere, do
not include the word latitude, just the number)

[Body line 2] Longitude (eg 145.7 for east, -145.7 for west)


Your email response will be small and plain text and will take somewhere between 1 and 15 minutes. If you did not include the correct subject, you will receive usage instructions as your reply. Emails are configured to get through the Winlink filter without whitelisting. Queries are not logged so there are no privacy concerns and no spam.