New Index + All 25k Maps

1:25,000 Maps V.7

They’re all done.
They’re all uploaded.
They’re ready for you to grab one, or all 865 of them.
For free, of course. 

New Index Map

To help you work out which map(s) you need, and saving you downloading an 300+ maps just to get one or two, we built a new index map.

It shows the whole state, and how our 25k and 50k maps are overlaid. It’s even geocoded – you could load it up into your mapping app and navigate around on it if you want to, however its detail is limited to make it usable.

You could keep this index on your phone, load it up with GPS enabled, and you’d see immediately which 50k or 25k map you needed to download based on your location. This would help if you’re using the demo version of Avenza which as a limited number of maps loadable at any given time. If you have an Android, we recommend you use OziExplorer, even just the demo version, as it will let you load all your maps. 

You’ll find the new file, Getlost_Maps_Index, in the downloads area. It’s there in all formats, and don’t forget to grab the relevant “” file if you plan to use the Jpg or the OZF4 to navigate with.